A joint presentation sponsored by the Jung Center – Mumbai, the Kripa Foundation (www.kripafoundation.org ) and the USA India Jung Foundation (www.uijf.org)

February 3-4, 2014. This is part of an ongoing collaboration between the three organizations over the last several years to promote exchange of ideas, training of students in the Jungian thought and improve the treatment of individuals in India and USA. The International Association of Analytical Psychology has sponsored the establishment of the IAAP (www.iaap.org) developing Jungian groups in India under the leadership of Jungian psychoanalyst Ashok Bedi, M.D., who is the IAAP’s liaison person in India and travels annually to India to promote its mission for about a decade.



Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Wounded Healer and Emerging Frontiers in Alcohol and Drug Addictions were very well facilitated by Dr. Ashok Bedi, M.D. and Dr. Dinshah Gagrat, M.D. along with Fr. Joe H Pereira – A Jungian Experience



A very edifying and prolific workshop was organized by The Jung Center Mumbai, The Kripa Foundation and the USA India Jung Foundation on “Emerging Frontiers in Addiction Treatment” on the February 3 and 4, 2014. The two day workshop was facilitated by Ashok Bedi, M.D and Dinshah Gagrat M.D, themes like Crossing the Healing Zone – From Illness to Wellness, Emerging Frontiers in Eating Addictions, The Wounded Healer and Emerging Frontiers in Alcohol and Drug Addictions were very well facilitated by Dr. Ashok Bedi, M.D. and Dr. Dinshah Gagrat, M.D. 


The workshop gave a lot of scope to the attendees to talk about their experiences and understanding related with the themes taken up with respect to their direct encounter with the chemically afflicted through sharing, discussion and case presentations. The workshop also gave counselors an insight on how they can work on themselves to be able to work well and effectively on the target population. 


The excerpts from Fr.Joe helped the attendees more profoundly to gauge the areas and patterns to be given glances for change as per the need and requirement of the whole therapeutic itinerary. Other psychologically therapeutic interventions were also taken up and introduced to the group addressed like Integrative Cognitive Therapy, Dialectic Behavior Therapy, Motivational Enhancement Therapy, etc.  


The facilitators held the attention of the attendees through out the workshop strongly and made it immensely appealing, also, by adding the twines of humor as an when they could find spaces in between which also included a self-created poem by Dr. Gagrat. The workshop had the instances of subtle work created by Fr. Joe and other facilitators which helped stabilize and hold on to the realms of positive energy around Also present at the worshop was Dr. Shoba and Mrs. Usha Bedi. A sincere Gratitude to Dr (Mrs.).Blanche Barnes of Dr.Leo Barnes Foundation at which the Jungian Workshop was held.


Submitted by

Ms. Vaishali & Sanjay Joshi



Posted by Kripa Foundation at 6:54 AM 

 About Ashok Bedi

Ashok Bedi is a Diplomat Jungian psychoanalyst and a board certified psychiatrist. He is a member of the Royal College of psychiatrists of Great Britain, a Diplomat in Psychological Medicine at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of England, and a Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association.

He has been a Psychiatrist in Milwaukee since 1976 and now practices Adult Psychotherapy and Jungian Psychoanalysis (www.tulawellnessllc.com).  He is a Honorary Psychiatrist at the Aurora Psychiatric Hospital and the Aurora Health Care Network. He has been a psychiatric consultant to several agencies in Metro Milwaukee. Presently he is the consultant for the Sexual Assault treatment center at the Aurora Sinai Samaritan Hospital, Dewey Center at the Aurora Psychiatric Hospital for treatment of Addictions and the Pastoral Counseling Services of Greater Milwaukee.

Trained in India, Great Britain and the US, he is interested in the emerging frontiers of Spirituality and Healing and the synapses of the Mind, Body, Soul and Spirit. He is author of several books including- Crossing the Healing Zone: From Illness to Wellness, Nicholas Hayes Inc. 2013, Path to the Soul, Weiser Books, 2000, Awaken the Slumbering Goddess: The Latent Code of the Hindu Goddess Archetypes, Booksurge Publishers, 2007, and the coauthor of Retire Your Family Karma, Nicholas-Hays, Inc. 2003, These and his other upcoming presentations can be previewed at his website www.pathtothesoul.com 

He is the liaison person for the International Association of the Analytical Psychologists for developing Jungian training programs in India (www.iaap.org). He travels annually to India to teach, train the consult with the Jungian Centers that he led in establishing at several cities in India including Ahmedabad, Mumbai & Bangalore. He leads the annual “A Jungian Encounter with the Soul of India” study group to India under the auspices of the New York Jung Foundation.

He is the Co-Founder of the USA India Jung Foundation (www.uijf.org). The USA India Jung Foundation promotes educational and clinical activities in India and USA based on the principals of Carl Jung’s analytical psychology and Eastern spiritual and healing wisdom and traditions. It fosters clinical, medical, and educational exchange between professionals of the United States and India. These activities include educational activities directed both to professional and lay organizations in both countries to promote mental health education and prevention activities based on principals of analytical psychology and Eastern Spirituality. To support this  A 501(c)(3) Foundation and its charitable activities, kindly make your tax deductible contribution via the website: www.uijf.org